John Martinson Entrepreneurial Center


John Martinson Entrepreneurial Center (JMEC)

The John Martinson Entrepreneurial Center (JMEC) supports Purdue Engineering students, faculty, staff, and alumni to commercialize engineering innovations. JMEC focuses on the execution and expansion stages of startups.

Our Programs

Apply for 2024 Spring Semester Program (CLOSED)

Are you a startup or founder interested in receiving an award to start your company? APPLY NOW! The primary purpose of this program is to have students transition their unique and innovative ideas into a "minimum value product(MVP)" integrated with a business plan. Teams can receive up to a $10,000 award from JMEC per team for the full participation of the program.

JMEC Investment Fund

We invest in early-stage companies affiliated with Purdue College of Engineering

Our Resources

Silicon Valley Boilermaker Innovation Group "SVBIG"

Boilermaker businesspeople of the Silicon Valley Area support our startups in mentoring, networking, and investing.

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Boston Area Boilermaker Innovation Group (coming soon)

Boilermaker entrepreneurs of Boston help advise our startups and connect them with the Greater Boston area ecosystem.

Entrepreneurial Ambassadors

Within each School in the College of Engineering, faculty ambassadors scout ideas and support our students and faculty who want to start businesses.

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